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Bluffing works best at higher limits. Low limit they will call to river with bottom pair.


  • Keeping them honest..   

    If you are a beginner poker player, you will suspect that everyone is trying to bluff you and you will want to showdown every hand you didnt fold before the flop. The hardest thing to do in poker is fold a hand that looked good before the flop but turned to junk when those 3 cards hit the table. Learning when to fold is one of the most important lessons you will learn. Eventually you will begin to understand that folding is better than getting dragged to the river kicking and screaming KNOWING you probbly have lost the hand. Just FOLD IT. If you fold a winning hand it is not the end of the world. Another better hand will come around and you will still have some chips to play with. IF you passively call when you think you are beat, is a sure way to ensure that you will be clicking the "deposit" button on the cashier every week. If you have KK and an ace hits the board on the flop and someone bets, FOLD!! or at least reraise if you have position on them to see just how much they like their hand. IF they don't go away, fold. Do not call all the way to the river.  

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